11 Nov
Custom Corporate Gift Guide: 2020’s Top Holiday Handouts
Corporate custom gifts are a great way to reward employees, entice new customers, and thank clients for their loyalty. Gift-giving is always on my mind this time of year. I take pride in my gift-giving and I love to find items that are unique that my customers and employees will be excited to receive. Let’s be honest, USB drives and ceramic mugs are kinds of socks and ties of corporate gift giving. Everyone may smile and say thank you but really, will they ever make it out of the drawer…?
Not only do you want your recipients to love their gifts, but you also want them to talk about their gifts! After all, there is always a marketing effort hidden in your holiday gift baskets. Having the best gifts around can be a small way to distinguish yourself from the competition.
So, as 2020 comes to a close (YAY!!) what is the “hot ticket toy” that will not only make you stand out but bring genuine holiday cheer to everyone on your company's nice list? Here is a list of our favorite customizable gifts inspired by this unprecedented year.
Because we need to keep extra clean…
If there has been one theme of 2020 I think it has been hand sanitizer! Killing germs on the go has become a must for all of us. This Hand Sanitizer Case helps make sure your precious sanitizer doesn’t go missing.
It’s not hard to believe that our phones are one of the most germ-infested things we touch every day. According to TIME our phones are 10x more germ-infested than a toilet seat! Here are a few great gifts to combat the bacteria infestation living on our devices UVC Germ Safe Phone Sterilizer Case with Wireless Charger and
UV Cell Phone Sanitizer with Wireless Charger
If 2020 has taught us anything it is to be prepared!
Ever found yourself in a situation where you are about to head into a big meeting and realize you have coffee spilled on your tie? Or you hear the tell-tale “ping” on the desk that means you have lost an earring back into the abyss of your paperwork piles? Pinch has you covered! They make Mini Emergency Kits that fit more than you would think possible into a tiny reusable package. We choose a few to get you started. The Mini Tech Kit has everything you need to stay plugged in. Because 2020 is synonymous with crazy events, this year’s winter predictions are all over the place. For those of you who have already experienced record-breaking snowfall this year, the Mini Winter Kit is for you. Looking for a universal crowd-pleaser, the classic Minimergency Kit has 12 essentials that will come in handy for everyone.
Self-care is more important than ever
Everyone needs a little R&R lately! There are many approaches to self-care. Here are a few ideas to help everyone on your list relax and reset. Get comfy and relax with a warm blanket, hot cocoa, and of course some chocolate all courtesy of Godiva and their Snuggle Gift Set. Use an Oil Diffuser to set the tone with some aromatherapy. For those who look to the gym to let off some steam, this Nike Essential Tote is the perfect accessory.
Work from Home essentials
For many of us, adjusting to the “new normal” means adjusting to working from home. While WFH days have their advantages, they also come with distractions. Help those on your gift list overcome those distractions with these Bose Noise Canceling Headphones.
One downside of working alone is that you are always the one who has to refill the coffee pot! To make sure a hot cup of coffee is always available, keep this Corkcicle Coffee Mug on hand. Zoom meetings getting out of hand? Moleskin Hard Cover Notebook is a great place to keep all your notes.
Stop giving stiff gifts!
2020 has taken a toll on our personal and professional lives. The holidays are a great time to extend our gratitude to friends, family, coworkers, and clients. With one look in your junk drawer, (we all have one) it is obvious that another branded USB won't exude the appreciation you mean to extend. If you enjoyed our gift guide above, there's more! Check it once and check it twice - our promo site is fit for all of your holiday needs.